



来源:转载  作者:网络   2023-12-19 阅读:271



作文 | 2016上海高考英语作文真题









we have a the in our and to find out are of . It out that 80% of the take in , only 60% of the are of them. The that from the ’ , they are not that good to live up to ’ .

One may be that are with . They kids to be , to be and . Even if a goal, they will not give any to be away by the . , what hear is and from .

As for , we tend to our . This is the of our , to some . We are not used to our , , . So most do not kids or say " I’m of you" even when they do love and they have done a job.

As we can see, many to the . We to to and we hope a and can be . all, is a for love and love!


I'm Yao Ping from High . I’ve a on “ are of ”. As is in the , 80% of are of only 60% of the kids know they`re of, me food for .

What’s the ? From I am , it may from the of , in , tend to have more and less .

, have the : a man with a in hand, than , and the “ ” is a one of them. They that is no such as an kid from . Thus, feel more of of in ` but warm eyes.

In , lack of may be . Due to our , and kids love for each . , , no of good and kids, and kids are less to the of , is and them back.

To put in a , it is the of in that make the . in the and hard to as it , both , , step , and the , and show the and love for each .


A has been out on take in . the of our and , we got the , as is in the . 80% of the said that they did, 60% of the gave the same . It's a of , but than the of .

It is that most feel of . This the pure love of . No how or how one is, he is the ' and they will be on his side, him as a of life.

, many this to . But why do some can't ’ ?

The be the of love. True love from , and we can only feel it by . If is the of , the may miss the due to lack of and self–.

So may as well tell that they are of them, can ' .


are the two who keep us , us, take care of us and all they have to us we were born. our long path, ’s a on the and . I, , thus held a on my and . The turn out that 80% of are of only 60% of do so.

dose the go? From my , two to it. is . show ’s back for fear that they be too over- to well. When it to face-to-face , to out , the fact that more than .

On the hand, are also to for and less to . We work hard and are so to win and . When we don’t get what is , we are into , , , and lose the to calm down and . , we fail to find out how deep our love us and how they are we a lot.

The the gap. , as long as and make , can we the gap, each and a idea.






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